Red Hot Chilli Pepper or the Ballad of the Flaming Owl

Tanvir Naomi BushZambia 8 Comments

‘The owl is on fire!’ The Chilli-Elephant man has returned from an overseas business trip and been in bed on his chilli farm in Livingstone for a mere four hours. The phone has rung and now he is trying to make some sense of the farm manager’s frantic shouting. ‘Mr. M! Mr. M! Come quickly! . The owl is on fire!!’ So begins the tale told by the red hot Chilli-Elephant man one steamy and sticky night in Livingstone town […]


Tanvir Naomi BushZambia 6 Comments

Forgive me folks..its been a while since my last blog session. I am in Zambia at the moment. In Livingstone in fact, in the Business centre of the Zambezi Sun hotel listening to the sound of a band playing marimbas (wooden xylophones.) It is the first time in ten days I have had a decent enough connection to post and apologies for the lack of illustrations.From this room I can hear the distant thunder of the Victoria Falls. It has […]

Snow Joke.

Tanvir Naomi BushVisual Impairment 10 Comments

    Let it snow, let it snow..hang about..I’ve gotta get to the sodding airport! Wasn’t it something though, sumptuous and soft and bright and oh so quiet; a blanket of cool otherness that soothed the usually brittle, sourness of Cambridge and London so much so that people went out and played..not just once..oh no..for two, whole naughty days. ‘Are you going to work today darling..? No..I err..I was thinking I might …umm.. you know…take the kids sledging.’ ‘ (Thoughtful […]