Wasn’t it something though, sumptuous and soft and bright and oh so quiet; a blanket of cool otherness that soothed the usually brittle, sourness of Cambridge and London so much so that people went out and played..not just once..oh no..for two, whole naughty days.
‘Are you going to work today darling..?
No..I err..I was thinking I might …umm.. you know…take the kids sledging.’
‘ (Thoughtful pause) But darling, we haven’t got any kids..’
(Silence in the hall but for a swinging front door…)
This was also the week I won two more blog awards! Yep. TWO! One awarded by the inspirational Tam ..she of Fleeing Muses and the other the irrepressible Miranda of The Times of Miranda! Thank you so much.
(Apparently my blog contains wit that ‘clinks like the ice in a gin and tonic’..this is very astute as my blood, according to my doctor, is at least 50 percent Bombay Sapphire… )
I shall add them to this blog as soon as I can figure out how the hell to do so.
These awards have come at a very pertinent ‘cheer up the moody bint’ time. I had another hospital visit and the news was worse then I had thought. More cells dying, more structural damage, more sight loss. I had gone alone thinking it (being alone) would stop me weeping in public and it does usually work. I managed to keep my upper lip all the way through to the hospital exit where I had a sudden attack of the heaving sobs. The good thing about hospital exits is that EVERYONE is sobbing. There were so many of us gurgling and shaking that I blended in fine and was mostly back together by the time I got home.
I even managed to get the thriller into the Amazon Breakout Novel Competition on time (with thanks to the intelligent criticism and gut-sapping proof reading by my dear volunteer editor Matt) AND put in an MA application to one of the universities whilst also remembering to retrieve my passport from the secret sock in my knicker drawer and get prepped for Zambia.
Comments 10
I *love* the take-the-kids-sledging conversation!! Snow is nice to look at, but I had to fly in it too, in a propellor plane over mountains. I don’t like it then! Enjoy the snow and the trip, stay warm and safe.
If I were with you, you could take ME sledging! Cyber-hugs for your failing sight dear. I have a friend who also has something similar. I say to myself ‘if I went blind, at least I’d have lots of time to listen to music’, but I know I’m such a Pollyanna. I can’t even go from my loo back to bed without bumping into ten things. Oh but hang on, that’s because my house is a such a mess… Well, at least, I’d HAVE to tidy up then!
You have another award over at my blog – you’re now inundated!! Have a fab trip Lx
oh babe if i did Awards you would have ’em all….LOVING YOU xxx j
Aw cheers, Susan, Katherine, Janelle and ANOTHER award!! I lurve it I lurve it! Ahaaahaaa! You have created a MONSTER!
Ta very much,
Tanvi x
Hey. Sorry about the hospital.
Keep writing and being cool in so many ways. You do rock, my dear.
dear brave and inspirational person – you deserve all the awards in the blogosphere and beyond:-) i also gave you two but they are repeats….you can keep them as spares. have a great trip to Z x
Hey there, I found your blog through Janelle. You are funny & strong, you make me smile. Take good care.
I hope your journey to Zambia brings you back to a better state of mind.
Who wouldn’t break down in tears after a visit with the doctor? Well done, getting it out of your system before you got home.
I hide my passport in a sock, too! Don’t tell anyone, OK?
Do you have any idea how much strength you give the world?
You and your blog remind me of the meaning of the word courage.
And as for seeing, I think you see things more clearly than most of us hunnee.
Your Blog several months ago about the decline of honey bees, inspired me to become a bee keeper. Yep, that’s right, my bees are on order now and my course starts in a couple months.
Your ability to see the humour in it all reminds me to laugh, and what a remedy that is.
Being a human-being is no easy task, and as far as I can tell, you’re doing a most inspiring job of it! I think all the wise one’s in the world would agree.
Thank You. Thank you. Thank you.