Oh, What A Night!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Disability, Guide Dogs, Visual Impairment, Writing 2 Comments

My Mum was over from France which was lucky. ‘How does this look?’ I asked, feeling 15 years old. My eyes are still  bit blurry but I also have NO fashion sense! ‘Emmm… it’s ‘nice”, said Mum with a worried expression. My heart plummeted. You see my Mum can’t lie about things like this. Her using the word ‘nice’ is like a surgeon using the word, ‘hopeful’.  Not something you want to hear a few minutes before the op. I […]

Countdown to Launch!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Photography, Visual Impairment, Writing Leave a Comment

Okay, I reckon there is still time. It is Tuesday night and the launch is on Friday. If I don’t eat, do fifty lunges, 100 press-ups and a thousand stretches each hour, I can probably lose the weight and gain the two inches that I feel I need to face the public. I don’t see any real problem with this…apart from the eye thing. Ah… You see I had cataract surgery two weeks ago and am not supposed to do […]

CULL Book Launch! Celebrate with Me!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Disability, Guide Dogs, Writing Leave a Comment

Three years, a PhD, a myriad rejections, eventually an excited agent, an amazing publisher and a torrent of support, encouragement and kicking up the arse and LOOK what happened! CULL has been born and you are all welcome to the party! I have so much to tell you but just for the moment, I wanted to let you know that, as of January 2019, the novel CULL is in the shops, thanks to YOU! Your official invitation to the CULL […]