Oh, What A Night!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Disability, Guide Dogs, Visual Impairment, Writing 2 Comments

My Mum was over from France which was lucky.

‘How does this look?’ I asked, feeling 15 years old. My eyes are still  bit blurry but I also have NO fashion sense!

‘Emmm… it’s ‘nice”, said Mum with a worried expression. My heart plummeted.

Several piles of the novel CULL on a table.


You see my Mum can’t lie about things like this. Her using the word ‘nice’ is like a surgeon using the word, ‘hopeful’.  Not something you want to hear a few minutes before the op. I had to change.

‘Do you have less shiny trousers? A different top? ‘ She was trying to be helpful. I tipped out my laundry basket but with a feeling of savage hopelessness. The shiny trousers were clean. The others were not just stinky (we can use perfume for that) but muddy. Blinking dog walking.

I had to think fast. There was One Last Thing- a posh black cardigan I had never worn out before.  One of those things you bought because it looked lovely on the model but doesn’t really cleve to your life-style.  But now…?  I threw it on and amazingly Mum’s face brightened.  AND it worked with my blue sports bra. Seriously! And the shiny trousers. And the green-blue hair. Oh…did I forget to mention that? (Karen Silk – hairdresser extrordinaire!)

And just like my outfit, the entire evening came together because of other people helping, supporting, directing and saying ‘yes’ to just  taking part!  It was smashing!

By the time i got to the Town Hall, Bill and team had already begun hanging up the names from Callum’s List and the Black Triangle Campaign and ‘shop-a-scounger’ posters designed by the brilliant Mr. Ogg. The wheelchair was upside-down in the entrance and hemmed off by police tape. And Trish, who was directing the whole thing, had added that extra grisly touch – a bunch of flowers laid by the wheelchair’s side.

Charley B had been setting out the seating with the help of Steve, Rachael, Jane T, Jane D and Heidi and were prepping for their staring roles as dramatic readers- they were, with Paul and Phoebe the profressional actors, going to help bring the novel to life through the three dramatic readings.

Praminda, our frankly brilliant robot engineer, was working with on the tech and Louise from Cakeophony staggered in, barely able to hold up the huge and gorgeous CULL cake!  Janet and Helen from Corsham Bookshop and the lovely PGR rep arrived with the booze and books (such a wonderful combination) and we had a quick run through and…


Grace arrived.

And then the evening kicked off with Miro Griffiths MBE, Esther Fox from Accentuate and D4D, a mini flash mob, those readings and a Q and A. book signings, very brief pub visit and home.

A view from the back of a large room with high ceilings and aerched windows. Lots of people are seated facing a large screen with CULL writtin on it and a woman behind a lectern facing and talking to the crowd.

A packed Town Hall!

I realise that none of this would make sense if you were not there! But please don’t worry!  We have got some footage of the evening and will be sharing it with you soon!

And know that we sold 55 copies of the novel that night and the very next morning, a woman strode into the bookshop and demanded 11 more for her friends. as she thought the message was so important! Onwards!

A very large cake with the CULL novel cover design on it in black and red with a 3d black dog in sugar fondant and a guide dog harness.

CULL cake!


Comments 2

  1. Ye Gods and little fishes!! I wish I could have been there. Absolute TRIUMPH. Well done.
    Lots of love

    1. Post

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