My April Rebellion: The CULL Launch Film!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Disability, Film, Guide Dogs 1 Comment

Rebellion against April’s hostile environments Brexit extensions and Extinction Rebellions and here we are in April, ducking between showers, whooping at the sight of cherry blossom and grinning up into the lighter evenings. It’s a crazy time, but at least one can feel the coming of summer. I must believe that the days will lighten further and Mitzie is convinced of it! The delightful Mitzie is now six-months into her tenure and is proving a real superhero! There are still a […]

Change the Narrative with ‘I, Daniel Blake’

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Disability, Film, Writing 2 Comments

It was a packed auditorium.. … for the first screening of the award winning film, ‘I Daniel Blake’ at the Pound Arts Centre, Corsham last Thursday.  We had planned a full day of events around the Arts and Social Change,  part of our joint SenseAbility themed programme.  It had been months in the planning but finally the day had arrived!

Oh The Green Green Grass! or Another Train of Thought

Tanvir Naomi BushFilm 8 Comments

Last Sunday my journey cost me my entire week’s income support. All of it. There is nothing quite like knowing on the Sunday that the rest of the week is all oozing out of the overdraft. The problem was that there were no trains to Kings Cross and we had to reroute and take taxis across London. By the time Grace and I were squeezed onto the Paddington to Bath train we were dishevelled, disgruntled and the stress had caused […]

Canada very dry

Tanvir Naomi BushFilm, Visual Impairment 1 Comment

‘Can we help you…?’ I am standing glumly unsure about whether to wait for assistance from the BA ground staff (will they make me sit in a bloody wheelchair again) or just take pot luck and stride off in the general direction of customs when I hear this question from the couple in front. It is apparent they are not going to move or let anyone else off the plane unless I capitulate so I fall in line behind them […]

Get Knitted

Tanvir Naomi BushFilm, Writing 2 Comments

‘Control’ is a film that has been much acclaimed in the past few months. It is about the gifted but tormented lead singer of a band called Joy Division who hanged himself at the age of 23. (Did I conjucate ‘hanged’ correctly? )

Ahh the life of a film producer…

Tanvir Naomi BushFilm, Visual Impairment 4 Comments

It turns out that I have a cousin who is a forth year medical student at Nottingham university. She is a member of the StopAids society and they invite me to screen my HIV/AIDS documentary ‘On the Frontline’ at the medical school. This is all very exciting and I rise to the occasion by finally getting my hair trimmed. Unfortunately, on the Thursday morning I wake to find my eyes on strike. They are sore, swollen and I peer at […]

Opps They Did It Again.

Tanvir Naomi BushDisability, Film, Visual Impairment 1 Comment

How is it possible that today’s national TV headline, over and above the meltdown in Kenya or the stabbing of two teenagers in Kent, was Britney Spear’s …again?? How does her self-destruction matter on the global scale, eh? What is wrong with us? Wasn’t anyone listening when that brave and inspiring anchorwomen tore up and then burnt the Paris Hilton story on live TV last year? Sure, tell us about it at some point so we can ooh and ahh […]

Happy New Year Folks!

Tanvir Naomi BushFilm, Writing 3 Comments

And here we perch, right on the edge of the year..about to leap off into 2008 and not sure if there will be rocks or sweet, deep water. Probably a bit of both. Annie is shrilly whining the song, ‘Tomorrow’ on my TV with a little dog on her lap and the fake snow in her hair. ‘The sun will come out tomorrow!’ I am a cynical old cow but it still makes me well up and get all jazz […]

Fairy Tales

Tanvir Naomi BushDisability, Film, Visual Impairment Leave a Comment

I am watching a squirrel watching a very black cat watching a very oblivious blackbird in my garden. The squirrel, whom I shall call Dennis although it’s not his real name, is a bit of a yob. He nicks everything on my bird table and I am sure I have seen him trying to break into my back door when he thinks I can’t see him.