Flying High

Tanvir Naomi BushAging and Adventure, Life Experiences, South Africa, Visual Impairment 7 Comments

Okay, it wasn’t ‘crack. It was acid. And the thing is that we had just been talking about Mandrax … I best be a little bit clearer. Last weekend my friend and I were yakking away. She turns 90 in September and wants to go white water rafting. (She also wouldn’t mind going for a spin in a race car at Silverstone if you’re offering… she was one speedy driver pre the whole bindness/ageness malarkey.) She was annoyed that now […]

Brief blog from Vicarage

Tanvir Naomi BushLife Experiences, South Africa 6 Comments

I am in Radstock at what will be my sister’s new vicarage and have been here for a full week rattling around whilst she is away on silent retreat. …Silent if you allow the odd sneaky text that is. (Do you think Jesus would have been a ‘lol’, smiley face texter? Wonder if there is an emoticon symbol for ‘amen’? 🙂 or ‘I cast you into hell you demon’ 🙁 ) Its not the most handsome frontage but it is […]