Missing Toronto already

Tanvir Naomi BushVisual Impairment 3 Comments

I was sitting in seat 36c yesterday, contemplating with some horror the steaming stuff on my tray table called ‘beffchikin’ by the air steward (sorry – in-flight service provider) and musing on Toronto. What was it about the funny little city that I was already missing so much?

Canada very dry

Tanvir Naomi BushFilm, Visual Impairment 1 Comment

‘Can we help you…?’ I am standing glumly unsure about whether to wait for assistance from the BA ground staff (will they make me sit in a bloody wheelchair again) or just take pot luck and stride off in the general direction of customs when I hear this question from the couple in front. It is apparent they are not going to move or let anyone else off the plane unless I capitulate so I fall in line behind them […]