Oh, What A Night!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Disability, Guide Dogs, Visual Impairment, Writing 2 Comments

My Mum was over from France which was lucky. ‘How does this look?’ I asked, feeling 15 years old. My eyes are still  bit blurry but I also have NO fashion sense! ‘Emmm… it’s ‘nice”, said Mum with a worried expression. My heart plummeted. You see my Mum can’t lie about things like this. Her using the word ‘nice’ is like a surgeon using the word, ‘hopeful’.  Not something you want to hear a few minutes before the op. I […]

Grace, CULL and the End (of 2017, that is)!

Tanvir Naomi BushCull, Guide Dogs, Visual Impairment, Writing Leave a Comment

I have been out-calendared. Seriously. Here is me handing over a pretty (perchance a little dull) South West Guide Dog Association calendar to Grace’s new family for Christmas. ‘Grace is Ms December!’ I twinkle smugly. ‘Ahh, that’s lovely!’, they reply, handing me a calendar they have made themselves. On their shiny calendar, EVERY month is Grace month!!! Grace, and Max her new buddy, Grace with all the balls, Grace camping, Grace eating Grace, Grace…! ‘Holy Bonio, Grace,’ I hiss. ‘How […]


Tanvir Naomi BushGuide Dogs 7 Comments

Obfuscate Series: ‘Shadow dance’ (c)T. Bush 2008 There is a tiny woman with nicotine-blonde, over-curly hair in the side-alley ahead of me. She seems unsure of which pavement to go to and is turning around and around on herself in the middle of the road. She spots me over the roof of the parked cars and immediately her small gnarled face lights up. She leaps forward, forcing me to slow and stop then stoops slightly as if bowing. ‘Isn’t the […]